JQY Orthodox School and Camp Trainings
JQY, in collaboration with Orthodox mental health professionals, educators and rabbis, has designed a comprehensive LGBTQ sensitivity training program for Orthodox high schools and camps. At JQY we believe that creating safe spaces for LGBTQ youth in Orthodox environments does not require changing halacha, reinterpreting the Torah, or permitting sexual behavior. It begins with combating institutionalized shame, educating people on terminology, research and best practices, and a collective commitment to every student's sense of dignity and self esteem. Along with the Jewish ethics of modesty, honesty, respect for Mesorah, and caring for others, these are the values that guide and inform our High School and Camp Training Program.
All JQY training programs are facilitated by licensed mental health professionals who are proficient in Orthodox sensitivities and have at least two years experience working directly with LGBTQ Orthodox Jewish youth. References are available upon request.
The program includes 7 training modules. Each is available individually or as part of a combination program. Modules can be tailored to the specific needs of an institution, as well as adapted for different kinds of Orthodox youth programing.
Training Modules
High School
- Orthodox High School Staff (teacher, rebbe, and administration) -Sensitivity- Training
- Orthodox High School Student -Safe Space- Training
- Orthodox High School Guidance Counselor -Competency- Training
- Orthodox High School -Policy- Workshop
- Orthodox Camp Staff -Sensitivity- Training
- Orthodox Camp Camper -Safe Space- Training
- Orthodox Camp -Policy-Workshop
For more information on our training programs, including pricing, logistics, booking availability and curriculum, please contact us.